All sermons are available on our YouTube channel.

1-Jan | Matt 2:1-12 | Wise Men Still Seek To Worship Him! | Rev Ronald Yap
8-Jan | Matt 3:13-17 | Remember Your Baptism | Rev Ronald Yap
15-Jan | 1 Cor 1:1-9 | Not Lacking | Mr Jerry Choo
22-Jan | Matt 4:12-32 | Light Has Dawned | Mrs Faith Goode
29-Jan | Matt 5:1-12 | Worship From A Blessed Heart | Mr William Lim
5-Feb | Matt 5:13-20 | You Are | Rev Ronald Yap
12-Feb | Matt 5:21-37 | It’s All About the Heart | Rev Andrew Lim
19-Feb | Matt 17:1-9 | Revealed In Glory | Mr William Lim
22-Feb (Ash Wednesday) | Isaiah 58:1-12 | The Fast We Choose | Rev Andrew Lim
26-Feb | Psalm 32 | If You Fall Down | Rev Ronald Yap
5-Mar | Gen 12:1-4, John 3:1-17 | Moving Out of Your Comfort Zone | Rev Ronald Yap
12-Mar | John 4:5-30 | Water For Your Thirst | Rev Andrew Lim
19-Mar | John 9:1-14, 24-38 | Chosen to Bear Witness | Mr William Lim
26-Mar | Eze 37:1-14, John 11:1-17-27 | Resurrecting Dry Bones | Rev Ronald Yap
2-Apr | John 12:12-37 | Seeing But Unbelieving | Rev Andrew Lim
6-Apr (Maundy Thursday) | John 13:1-17 | Be Washed And Be Washing | Mr William Lim
7-Apr (Good Friday) | John 19:1-16 | Believing But Unable to Act | Rev Andrew Lim
9-Apr (Easter Sunday) | John 20:18-31 | Not Seeing But Believing | Rev Ronald Yap
16-Apr | 2 Chr 9:30 – 10:19 | Rehoboam: The King who Listened to Wrong Counsel | Mr Jerry Choo
23-Apr | 2 Chr 13:1-18 cf. 1 Kgs 14:31 – 15:8 | Abijah: The King who Knew but Did Not Do | Rev Andrew Lim
30-Apr | 2 Chr 16:1-10 | Asa: The King whose trust in God did not last | Rev Ronald Yap
7-May | 2 Chr 18:1-17, 19:1-3, 20:35-37 | Jehoshaphat (Pt 1): The Good King who had Bad Friends | Rev Ronald Yap
14-May | John 19:23-27 | Parenthood: When You Feel Powerless | Rev Andrew Lim
21-May | Gen 1:26-27, Judges 2:11-19, 3:7 | Doing What is Right in the Eyes of God | Mrs Faith Goode
28-May | 2 Chr 20:1-22, Jehoshaphat (Pt 2): The King Who Learnt to Trust God | Rev Ronald Yap
4-Jun | 2 Chr 21:1-20, Jehoram: The King Who Would Not Heed God’s Warning, Rev Ronald Yap
11-Jun | 2 Chr 24:1-24 | Joash: The King with a Borrowed Faith | Rev Andrew Lim
18-Jun | 2 Chr 25:1-24 | Amaziah: The King Who Thought Highly of Himself | Rev Ronald Yap
25-Jun | 2 Chr 26:1-21 | Uzziah: The King Who Was Presumptuous | Rev Andrew Lim
2-Jul | 2 Chr 28:1-27 cf. 2 Kgs 16:1-20 | Ahaz: The King Whose Heart became More Hardened | Rev Ronald Yap
9-Jul (Social Concerns Sunday) | Mark 1:35-42 | A Compassion Like Jesus | Rev Andrew Lim
16-Jul | 2 Chr 34:1-33 (cf. 2 Chr 35 & 2 Kgs 22 & 23) | Hezekiah (part 1): The King Who Brought Revival to Judah | Mr William Lim
23-Jul | 2 Chr 32:1-26 (cf. 2 Kgs 18-20; Isa 36-39) | Hezekiah (part 2): The King Who Had the Humility to Repent | Mr William Lim
30-Aug | 2 Chr 33:1-20 | Manasseh: The Evil King Who Repented | Rev Ronald Yap
6-Aug | 2 Chr 34:1-33 (cf. 2 Chr 35 & 2 Kgs 22 & 23) | Josiah: The King Who Followed God Wholeheartedly | Rev Ronald Yap
13-Aug | Psalm 72:6, 12-14 | The Passionate Heart of God | Ms Koh Soo Choon
20-Aug (Church 132nd Anniversary) | John 13:34-38, 1 Peter 4:7-11 | Love One Another | Rev Ronald Yap
27-Aug | Luke 6:27-36 | Relationship Matters, Part 1 | Rev Andrew Lim
3-Sep | Psalm 146 | Relationships Matters, Part 2 | Rev Andrew Lim
10-Sep | Matthew 13:1-9 & 18-23 | Understanding the Kingdom | Mr Jerry Choo
17-Sep | Matthew 13:31-33 | Blessings of the Kingdom | Mr Kok Chik Bu
24-Sep (CG Sunday) | Matthew 13:24-30 & 36-43 | Nature of the Kingdom | Rev Andrew Lim
1-Oct (Church Camp) | Romans 12:9-21 | Love in Action | Rev Dr Ng Swee Ming
8-Oct | Matthew 13:44-46 & Luke 12:15-21 | Value of the Kingdom | Rev Ronald Yap
15-Oct | Luke 15:1-32 | The Pursuit of the Kingdom | Mr Benny Kong, Focus on the Family
22-Oct | Matthew 25:14-30 (see also vv.31-46) | Life in the Kingdom: Fruitfulness | Rev Andrew Lim
29-Oct (MSF Sunday) | 2 Corinthians 1:1-11 | Outlasting Your Life | Bishop Emeritus Dr Ong Hwai Teik
5-Nov | Luke 18:1-8 & 11:5-10 | Life in the Kingdom: Prayer | Rev Ronald Yap
12-Nov | Luke 6:46-49 & Matthew 21:28-32 | Life in the Kingdom: Obedience | Mr William Lim
19-Nov | Matthew 18:21-35 | Life in the Kingdom: Forgiveness | Mr Kok Chik Bu
26-Nov | Luke 10:25-37 | Life in the Kingdom: Compassion | Rev Andrew Lim
3-Dec | Matthew 25:1-13 | Preparing for the Kingdom | Rev Ronald Yap
10-Dec | Luke 1:5-24 | Preparing for Christmas: Doubts | Rev Ronald Yap
17-Dec (Baptismal Sunday) | Matthew 1:18-25 | Preparing for Christmas: Sacrifice | Rev Andrew Lim
23-Dec (Night of Carol) | Wise Men Still Seek Him | Rev Ronald Yap
24-Dec | Luke 1:26-38 | Preparing for Christmas: Total Surrender | Rev Andrew Lim
25-Dec (Christmas Day Service) | Isaiah 9:6-7, Luke 2:8-14 | Unto Us A Saviour Is Born: Christ The Lord | Rev Ronald Yap
31-Dec | 1 Samuel 30:1-8 | A Spirit Feeled Life | Rev Andrew Lim